Andy Koster

Hi, my name is Andy.  For the last twenty years I was the Executive Director of the Brant Family and Children’s Services in Ontario. In total I have forty-eight years, and counting, of continuous worker and management experience with various Children’s Aid Societies in Ontario, Canada.

I have taught courses at the BSW and MSW level.  I have completed reports for agencies and for seven provincial and territorial governments in situations where children died or systems issues were identified. I have been seconded twice to the Ontario government to review a model of accountability; write curriculum; and lead a review of Indigenous Child Welfare Agencies in Northern Ontario. I have enjoyed my role as a certified provincial trainer for front line child welfare workers and for supervisors for the last 25 years.

I have also authored or co-authored numerous published articles and papers on child welfare topics from outcome measures; the importance of relationship and collaboration; what it means to be a social worker in child welfare; and the need for a values-based approach to child welfare service. Most recently, I was honored to be the past president of the Child Welfare League of Canada. I am excited to currently have the opportunity to be in Nunavut as a Regional Director for Family Wellness and to learn from Family Services staff who are presently working with families and collaterals in various remote communities.

Finally, I am married and have two adult children and 8 grandchildren. I am also a big Tottenham Hotspurs fan!